The Society of Construction Law United Kingdom

SCL UK Construction Law Conference

Simmons & Simmons LLP Aurora Counterslip, Bristol, United Kingdom

The Society of Construction Law United Kingdom (SCL UK) Construction Conference will host speakers comprising of leaders and professionals across the U.K. who will share their invaluable knowledge and experience to highlight critical legal topics facing the construction industry today.

The SCL Lunch in Leeds

The Queens Hotel The Queens Hotel, Leeds, United Kingdom

Delta Consulting Group's Steven Lynch and Martin Hicks will be attending the SCL UK Lunch at The Queens Hotel in Leeds. We hope to see you there!

SCL Lunch in Bristol

Bristol Harbour Hotel 55 Corn Street, Bristol, United Kingdom

Steven Lynch, Martin Hicks, James Spencer, Neale Munro, and Toby Abram from Delta Consulting Group’s London office are looking forward to attending The Society of Construction Law Lunch at the Bristol Harbour Hotel in Bristol on the 18th of October. SCL’s highlighted speaker is renowned rugby referee Nigel Owens, we hope to see you there!

The SCL Lunch in Dublin

The Round Room At The Mansion House Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

The Delta Consulting Group’s UK team, Steve Lynch, James Spencer, John Blade, David Keaveney, and Konstantinos Lytos will be attending The SCL Lunch in Dublin on Friday, the 22nd of November. We hope to see you there!

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