Delta would like to congratulate Dakus Gunn on his promotion to Managing Director. Dakus has served as a consultant and testifying expert in dispute resolution at Delta for over 15 years. He is a WWL Global Elite Thought Leader described as having “an outstanding ability to retain and recall information” and is a powerful asset to our team. Congratulations Dakus on your well-earned promotion!

About Delta Consulting Group

For twenty plus years Delta Consulting Group has provided project advisory, investigations, risk mitigation and dispute resolution services to our clients around the world. We have worked with prominent global law firms and top companies in over 90 countries. Our multi-disciplined professionals in engineering, accounting, finance, economics, fraud, construction, project management, and litigation support, deliver independent strategic advice to resolve our client’s most complex situations.

A defining feature of Delta Consulting Group is that it is a 100% employee-owned company. As employee owners Delta’s employees are inspired to provide the best quality product for our clients. Delta’s professionals are motivated by passion, collaboration, inclusion, value, trust and fairness.

Delta Consulting Group’s employees are committed to transparency and dedicated to “Making the Difference” every day for their clients and colleagues.